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Title   Adaptive finite element frequency domain method for eddy current problems
Authors   Zheng Weiying
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Year   2008
Title of Journal  
Volume   197
Number   13-16
Page   1233-1241
In the present paper, adaptive finite element methods are studied for time-harmonic eddy current problems in the case of three-dimensional isotropic and linear materials. We adopt the formulation based on the magnetic field and a magnetic scalar potential in this paper, since it needs the least number of unknowns. Reliable and efficient a posteriori error estimates are obtained and the efficiency of the adaptive algorithm is demonstrated by numerical and engineering experiments.
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In the present paper, adaptive finite element methods are studied for time-harmonic eddy current problems in the case of three-dimensional isotropic and linear materials. We adopt the formulation based on the magnetic field and a magnetic scalar potential in this paper, since it needs the least number of unknowns. Reliable and efficient a posteriori error estimates are obtained and the efficiency of the adaptive algorithm is demonstrated by numerical and engineering experiments.


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